Our Connections
We believe God has called us to connect with other churches, agencies and organizations so that together we can bring about God's reign on earth. Listed below are some organizations with which we connect.
Donaldina Cameron House
Cameron House’s mission is to empower people to fully participate in and contribute positively toward a healthy society. They create a safe and nurturing environment by providing counseling, peer group support, and crisis intervention, and enable active involvement in the community through leadership development, education, and advocacy.
Our church is one of the sister churches of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) The PCUSA web site has many resources including statements on what we believe, how we organize our congregations and how we engage in mission to the world.
Here you will find information regarding the Presbytery, its 77 churches and numerous mission programs, as well as information from its committees.
Our Women's Fellowship is active in Presbyterian Women nationally and attends its gathering. We are also active in Bay Area Presbyterian Women events.
Presbyterian Youth Connection (PYC)
As youth and adults, we respond to God's call through the Holy Spirit to be connected to each other, the church, and the world so that our lives proclaim with joy that Jesus Christ is Lord!
PCUSA is active in missions worldwide. We support many of those missions with our donations and our time. On this site, you can also access the Mission Yearbook of Prayer.
Highlights of our community's response to sexual abuse and the subsequent healing process. See the video and art inspired by this journey.