On a regular basis, we fold origami cranes in solidarity to end detention sites, and support front-line immigrant and refugee communities that are being targeted by racist, inhumane immigration policies.

He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? -- Micah 6:8
Guided by Micah 6:8, our Mission and Evangelism committee seeks to do justice through advocacy and education;
demonstrate kindness by being present in times of need with a welcoming spirit; and walk humbly with our God by organizing ways for our congregation to contribute to the church's work through out the world.
Special Presbyterian Offerings: Easter One Great Hour of Sharing; Peace; Christmas Joy
Financial contribution to Donaldina Cameron House every month
Year-end financial contributions to non-profit organizations and special projects

Advocate for Solutions to: homelessness, lack of affordable housing, domestic violence, gun violence, lack of clean water, war, gender equality, food insecurity
Educate on ballot measures that will impact vulnerable communities and residents
Participate in marches

Preparing and serving dinner for the homeless in the SF Interfaith Coalition's Winter Shelter Program
Packing emergency dried food packets for Rise Against Hunger
Weekly food distribution to 125 Chinatown seniors with home delivery to frail seniors
For families who live in a single 8 x 10' foot room in Chinatown: a bag of school supplies for 200 children and a gift-wrapped toy for 100 children at Christmas time

These activities and many others are organized by the M & E committee and they are always seeking new members to join the committee and help with future mission projects and outreach.
Current Committee Members are:
Jeanette Huie
Ed Chin, Chair
Susie Wong
Jeanine Lim Chan
Cynthia Joe
Carole Chinn-Morales
Heidi Wong
Whittney Tom
Clinton Huey
Kevin Feeley