DINKS & SINKS load toys, books, clothes to be shipped to churches in the Phillippines

DINKS & SINKS pack boxes of toys to be sent to the Phillippines

DINKS & SINKS load toys, books, clothes to be shipped to churches in the Phillippines
(Double/Single Income No Kids Covenant Group)
It’s hard living in a culture where we are expected to marry and especially to have children. Wherever our paths have taken us, they bring us together in fellowship as DINKS and SINKS. We meet quarterly for fellowship, sharing in our experience knowledge, travels and to discuss issues and challenges of becoming older without the traditional family supports.
Contact person is
Nancy Chee.
A lively group of Presbyterian Women. We study and fellowship around a wide range of topics like the Qi Goung, women's health issues, and caring for aging parents. We support local women through service project like making Valentine gift bags for women leaving prostitution. We meet monthly on the third Monday evening at the Church for dinner, fellowship and dessert!
Good food, fellowship and studies have always driven this group over the years. We take time out in our busy week schedule for Christ and are currently studying comparative religions. Using the “Idiots Guide to World Religions” as a resource, we are learning of other faiths and hosting guest speakers of these faiths to share their knowledge and experiences. We meet every Wednesday at the home of Dave and Nancy in the Outer Sunset.
Contact person is
Nancy Chee